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What Are the Most Common Menopause Symptoms?

Menopause is a natural part of ageing that all women experience, but that doesn’t make it any easier to navigate – we all know there are common menopause symptoms that most of us have to experience. The journey can feel overwhelming at times, as your body changes in ways that can be unpredictable. One day you’re feeling fine, and the next, you’re hot, tired, and struggling to remember where you left your keys! So, what exactly are these lovely menopause symptoms we endure? Let’s dive into what you might expect and how to manage them.

What Age Is Typical to Start Menopause?

Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average age in the UK being around 51. However, every woman is different, and some may experience early menopause in their 30s or even late menopause in their 60s. Peri-menopause, the transition leading up to menopause, can start years before and often comes with its own set of symptoms. During this time, the production of oestrogen begins to fluctuate, causing the changes that lead to menopause. This can make the journey unpredictable, but understanding the signs can help you prepare for what’s ahead.

Menopause often starts between the ages of 45-55, but the transition period can start much earlier. Image by Getty Images for Unsplash+.

The 6 Most Common Menopause Symptoms

1. Hot Flushes and Night Sweats

Probably the most notorious of all menopause symptoms are hot flushes and night sweats. It’s that sudden rush of heat, often followed by sweating, that can leave you feeling uncomfortable and frazzled. They can happen at any time of day or night and range from mild warmth to intense heat that disrupts sleep.

Managing hot flushes can be tricky, but there are solutions. Wearing light clothing, staying cool, and avoiding triggers like spicy foods or alcohol can help. And if you’re looking for additional support, the Hello Menopause supplements are designed to balance your body and help ease these pesky symptoms.

2. Mood Changes

Hormonal fluctuations during menopause can have a significant impact on your mood. One moment you’re on top of the world, and the next, you’re feeling low or irritable. Anxiety and mood swings are incredibly common, and while it’s frustrating, it’s important to remember you’re not alone. Talking about how you feel, staying active, and maintaining a healthy diet can all be helpful in balancing emotions.

If you’re looking for natural ways to smooth out those emotional ups and downs, consider trying our Hello Menopause Pouch. It’s been formulated to support your body during this transition, giving you the nutrients you need to feel like yourself again.

3. Sleep Disturbances

With night sweats and hormonal changes in full swing, it’s no surprise that sleep disturbances are another common menopause symptom. Whether it’s trouble falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, or feeling restless, many women report having sleep issues as their bodies transition.

Creating a bedtime routine and ensuring your bedroom is a cool, calm space can work wonders for improving sleep quality. If you’re still struggling to get those precious Z’s, the Hello Menopause Sample Pack could help support your sleep naturally, and gives you the opportunity to try our Hello Menopause range at a discounted price. 

4. Memory Problems and Brain Fog

Ever feel like your brain just isn’t as sharp as it used to be? Many women experience brain fog during menopause. This can manifest as forgetfulness, trouble concentrating, or feeling mentally sluggish. It’s frustrating, especially when you’re trying to juggle multiple responsibilities.

To boost mental clarity, focus on staying hydrated, getting regular exercise, and managing stress levels. Incorporating natural menopause supplements like those in the Hello Menopause range may help keep your mind sharp and improve cognitive function.

Read more about brain fog, including other causes and how to combat it.

5. Joint Pain

Menopause can also bring on joint pain and stiffness, thanks to the decrease in oestrogen levels. This is one of those symptoms that can take you by surprise – it’s not just hot flushes and mood swings! Joint discomfort can make everyday activities feel more challenging, but staying active is one of the best ways to combat it.

Whether it’s gentle yoga or daily walks, movement can help keep your joints flexible and reduce pain. For an extra layer of support, Hello Menopause contains ingredients to help reduce inflammation and promote overall well-being during menopause.

6. Changes in Skin and Hair

With menopause, you might notice changes in your skin and hair too. A common menopause symptom is that skin can become drier, more sensitive, or even start to lose its elasticity. Meanwhile, hair may feel thinner or more prone to shedding. This happens because of the dip in oestrogen, which plays a big role in maintaining the health of your skin and hair.

To support your skin and hair, focus on nourishing your body from within. Staying hydrated, eating a nutrient-rich diet, and using targeted skincare products can all help. And for those looking to tackle menopause symptoms from the inside out, the Hello Menopause Pouch is packed with ingredients that support healthy skin and hair.

Found this useful? Discover the Uncommon Symptoms of Menopause here.

What is Perimenopause and How Long Will It Last?

Perimenopause is the transitional phase leading up to menopause, when hormone levels begin to fluctuate but periods haven’t stopped completely. It usually starts in your 40s, but can begin earlier for some women. 

Common symptoms during this phase include hot flushes, mood swings, irregular periods, and sleep disturbances. Perimenopause can last anywhere from a few months to several years, with most women experiencing it for around 4 to 8 years. 

During this time, menstrual cycles become unpredictable, sometimes skipping months or changing in intensity. While the duration varies, perimenopause ends when the ovaries stop producing oestrogen, leading to menopause. 

Managing symptoms with lifestyle changes and menopause supplements like Hello Menopause can help make the transition smoother.

If managed well, menopause symptoms don't have to control your life. Image by Getty Images for Unsplash.
If managed well, menopause symptoms don’t have to control your life. Image by Getty Images for Unsplash+.

Finding the Right Menopause Supplements for You 

Going through menopause can be challenging, but the right tools and support can make all the difference. Whether it’s hot flushes, mood swings, or brain fog, you don’t have to manage these symptoms alone. Products like the Hello Menopause supplement line have been specifically designed to help ease the journey through menopause, so you can feel like yourself again.

Discover the best vitamins for menopause here.

By focusing on self-care and finding natural support for your body, including menopause supplements, you’ll be better equipped to handle the changes menopause brings. Our Hello Menopause Sample Pack provides an opportunity to find the right menopause supplements for you, whether you’re perimenopausal or in the full swing of menopause itself. 


Will menopause make you tired?
Yes, menopause can make you feel tired. Hormonal changes, coupled with sleep disturbances like night sweats and insomnia, can lead to persistent fatigue. Managing your sleep environment and incorporating menopause supplements can help you regain energy.

Can menopause cause high blood pressure?
Some women may experience high blood pressure during menopause, likely due to hormonal changes, weight gain, and increased stress. It’s important to monitor your blood pressure and seek advice from a healthcare professional if concerned.

Can menopause cause weight gain?
Yes, weight gain is common during menopause due to slowing metabolism, hormonal shifts, and changes in activity levels. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and the right menopause supplements can help manage your weight during this time.

Can the menopause cause itchy skin?
Yes, itchy skin can occur during menopause as a result of reduced oestrogen levels, leading to dryness and thinning of the skin. Staying hydrated and using skin-supporting products, alongside menopause supplements, can alleviate discomfort.

Can the menopause cause joint pain?
Joint pain is a common symptom of menopause. The reduction in oestrogen can cause inflammation, leading to stiffness and discomfort in the joints. Keeping active and taking supplements designed for menopause may help ease joint pain.

Can menopause affect mental health?
Yes, menopause can impact mental health. Hormonal changes can contribute to mood swings, anxiety, and even depression. It’s important to prioritise mental well-being during this time, and speak with a healthcare provider if you experience severe emotional changes.

What lifestyle changes can help manage menopause symptoms?
Maintaining a balanced diet, staying active, reducing stress, and getting enough sleep can all help manage menopause symptoms. Menopause supplements may also provide additional support by addressing specific symptoms like hot flushes, joint pain, and fatigue.

Do all women experience menopause symptoms?
Not all women experience noticeable menopause symptoms. While some go through the transition with few issues, others may face more intense symptoms. The severity of symptoms varies from woman to woman.

Disclaimer: This blog is intended for general guidance and entertainment purposes only. The information provided here is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We recommend seeking the advice of a qualified and experienced naturopath before making changes to your health regimen, including the use of herbal supplements. If you experience debilitating symptoms of menopause or any other health concerns as described above, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.